Project Management 5

Final Submission and reflection

What did I learn as a result of this assignment/project?

The main thing I learned during this project was how HTML and CSS codes works, and how to use it. As an absolute beginner it was interesting to see how it works and realise how much work goes into a website that the user doesn’t see. I also learned a lot about time management and balancing assignments towards the end of the semester, especially ones that take a lot of time, such as this one.


What key difficult technical obstacles did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

My main obstacle was getting the hang of HTML and CSS, with all the rules and shortvits (e.g. closing <divs> and <p> for paragraphs, etc. I also struggled a lot with the spacing of my site, and getting it to look like how I planned in brief 1. The nav bar also took a lot of work, with changing the colour of the links when you hover over them and spacing it out. It was also difficult to understand a lot of the tutorials online, as my minimal knowledge of HTML and CSS meant I didn’t understand a lot of the language and key words they use. Another major obstacle I encountered was when my laptop was stolen, including all of my progress and notes on HTML. This set me back a lot and meant I had to start from scratch and gather a whole lot of information on HTML from online and others, as well as meaning I was pressed for time.


What would you do differently if you had another opportunity to complete this assignment?

If I had another opportunity to do this assignment I would focus more on my layout and content on my website, as mine is a bit plain with empty spaces and the information is minimal. However as a result of the lack of time I had, I didn’t have time to add more information in through HTML and CSS.

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