
Heart of the city is a site that aims to promote culture around Auckland. They cover a range of topics including food and drink, activities, music events, art and shopping.

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To access the menu you press a button on the right hand side, and the menu options appear. I like this aspect as it gives users time to focus on the homepage before they search through the site.

This site has a lot more options than I would need in mine, as mine only focuses on music, but I would consider using this aspect in my site as it is a clear and effective way to navigate around pages.

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In reviewing their music section, I found a number of aspects of the design that I liked.

The font used is Open Sans, which is a basic, easy to read font. The font size is easy to read, and they use a good combination of bold and normal words to make certain things stand out. I also like how the font is all black, and put on different coloured backgrounds to make it stand out.

The layout of the separate music events is informative, but still brief enough to be able to easily understand the event in only a few lines. It’s interesting how they have places events and venues with each other. If I were to do this, I’d put the venues on a different page to avoid confusion, however I do like how they have put the date on the events to differentiate them from the venues with a striking yellow box.

I like that the background colours are light and toned down, which makes it easy to look at and read. This also doesn’t take away from the coloured photographs, which are a main point of interest for users of the site.

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I like how users can interact with this site and enter the date, type of event, and how much money they want to spend to find the perfect option for them. This enhances the user experience and gives the user a more personal relationship with the site.




What did I learn as a result of this assignment/project?

During this assignment I learned how to design a website, and how much detail and accuracy is needed for it to function properly.  For example for links, you have to be certain that the links will take you to the correct page for the website to make sense and be easy to use for the user. I also learnt how to use InVision to get a clear idea of how a site will look and function. I learnt a lot of attention to the design of the website is needed to make sure it looks good and is easy and enjoyable for a user, while getting it’s purpose across.

What difficult technical obstacles did you encounter and how did you overcome them?

I encountered some trouble with linking the pages together on InVision, especially the low fidelity prototypes, as I got confused which which links went to which pages and had to keep starting again. I overcame this by referring to the high quality ones.

What would you do differently if you had another opportunity to complete this assignment?

If I had another opportunity to do this assignment I would spend more time on my high and low fidelity prototypes, especially the mobile ones, as I felt they were the last things on my list to do and I was rushing to get them done. As a result they were not done to the best of my ability and were a bit messy. I would also maybe play around with colours on my site as at the moment it is a bit too black & white.


Gig guide My website will act as a ‘Gig Guide’ for concerts happening around Auckland. The aim of the site is to inform users about gigs coming up around Auckland, both mainstream and underground. The site will describe the acts playing and the audience they will appeal to, as well as have a guide to concert venues and locations and tickets prices. The site will also aim to increase ticket sales and get more people attending local gigs to increase awareness of local talent in Auckland. The site will also promote local artists and bands who are starting out with smaller fan bases by promoting their upcoming events and music releases. The site will also allow users to submit any information on upcoming gigs that the site does not include, and reviews of past gigs. The audience of this site will ultimately be music lovers in the Auckland region who are interested in the local music scene and enjoy attending and spending money on concerts. The site will appeal to both genders, typically above the age of 18, as most gigs in Auckland are 18 plus. There is no maximum age, but the site will generally target 18-25 year olds as people around that age usually enjoy having a night out involving music. The site will also target users who perhaps don’t know an extensive amount about the Auckland music scene and would like to expand their knowledge. The site will act as an easy guide to help them find gigs that appeal to them for them to attend. My approach will be casual but also informative for users, and attempt to be an aesthetically pleasing site while also communicating to users what they want to learn. I will aim for the site to have a simple layout as to not take away from the information being communicated to the user. The layout will consist of 4 pages, with each page will have a different subject to divide the information and make the site less confusing and navigable for the user. In terms of the colours of the site, they will be simple, mostly black and white to make it simple to understand and not let the user be distracted. The only colour will be in photos and potentially a logo. Overall the site will be nice to look at and only have the essential information on it for users. The site is primarily to inform so the content will be informative for users and tell them anything they need to know regarding upcoming events. The site will consist of 4 different pages. One page will be on upcoming gigs, where users can read information on the artist or band playing (e.g. a brief bio, genre of music, hit songs, past gigs, album releases), a review or star rating from past gigs, location of the gig and the price of tickets with a link to the ticket seller site. Another page will be a description of music venues in Auckland, with descriptions of where they are, what kind of gigs play there and hire information. Another will have a contact/submission page where users will be able to submit upcoming gigs or information that the site doesn’t currently advertise, or other queries. The fourth page will be an about page, where there will be a brief description of the site and a brief description on the Auckland music scene. Overall the site’s primary use is to educate and inform users about upcoming music events and the music scene in Auckland, while also aiming to increase the number of people attending gigs and promote local bands.